

A Research Unit of Bunshi BioSciences Pvt. Ltd

Skill Development Programmes

Aakriti Biotechnology offers a wide range of skill development programmes to Biotechnology/Life Science students and Research Scholars. Keeping in view the current industrial scenario and trends in the Biotechnology industry, our programmes focus on Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA Technology.

We organize "Hands-on training and certification" programmes on regular basis for various techniques of industrial relevance like

  • DNA Isolation
  • RNA Isolation
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
  • Plasmid Isolation 
  • TLC
  • SDS-PAGE (with staining and destaining) and many more. 

Dissertation Program

Our comprehensive biotech training program is designed to provide aspiring individuals like yourself with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience necessary to excel in the field of biotechnology. We believe that this program will be highly beneficial for your professional development and open doors to exciting opportunities within the industry. Click below to download. 

Dissertation Module

Industrial Training Program

As the field of biotechnology continues to evolve rapidly, we believe that practical exposure plays a crucial role in nurturing the skills and knowledge required for aspiring biotechnologists. By providing students with an opportunity to work on real-world projects at our state-of-the-art laboratory, we aim to bridge the gap between academia and industry while fostering their growth as future leaders in the field.

Dissertation is included in this program for final year students. Separate certificates will be provided for training and dissertation. 

Click to download our Long-Term Industrial Training Programs module.

Fee Structure: One-time fee. Pay for the module you choose.

Extra 18% GST is applicable on the fee.  

Registration Fee: Rs 500 + Module Fee ONLY

Application Process:


About the Training

  • We offer summer training or dissertation programme for the duration of 2 - 6 months throughout the year in different areas of Biotechnology to B.Tech/M.Sc./B.Sc. students.
  • Students are allowed to perform the experiments/techniques by themselves, under expert guidance.
  • Sufficient theoretical knowledge is also provided to enhance their skill and improve them to select proper documents for research.
  • Students are trained in scientific writing to generate a proper research documents/dissertation by their own.
  • Students are encouraged for Research paper writing and publication.
  • Hands-on training programs are also conducted regularly to help students enhance their practical skills.


Hands on Training on RNA isolation (Registration closed)
RNA isolation from Plant leaf samples is one of the techniques which enable us to perform research on expression level, gene isolation, cDNA synthesis, Real-time PCR, Suppression subtractive hybridization, etc.     

Students with such training are required by every molecular biology laboratory. 

Few seats, confirm your position by registration and payment of Rs 1200 only.                                                                      
Certificate will be provided.

apply for long term training

Apply for workshop here!